Monday, May 30, 2011

What A Day That Will Be

I just want to dedicate this post to my sweet Grandma Grace who went home to Jesus on May 26th. Right now she is rejoicing in heaven where she is free, made whole, and in the arms of God. I love you, Grandma, and I know I'll see you again someday!

When I get Home I will see all

The holy men I read about.

Peter and John, James, Luke, and Paul

And brother Tom without a doubt.

And I do believe there will be

King David at the harp

A song of praise with every chord.

What a sight to see, the redeemed and

The angels gathered round worshiping the Lord.

What a day that will be

Oh what a day that will be!

When we get Home, our Eternal Home

There'll be no more sick and dying.

No one is sad, no one is alone

And there will be no more crying.

He will wipe away every tear

From His children's eyes

And put a smile upon their faces.

What a happy day when we see

Our Lord in Paradise

Crowned as King of Kings.

What a day that will be

Oh what a day that will be!

What a day, what a day,

What a day that will be..........

Song by: Phil Keaggy

1 comment:

Jonathan North said...

Sarah told me last week that your grandma wasn't doing well. :( I've been praying for you guys.