Tuesday, July 20, 2010

The Gravel Road

Here is a video of me playing a song called "The Gravel Road". It's from one of my favorite movies "The Village". I LOVE this song and the way that it feels when i'm playing it.
I decided to learn it for my Grandparent's 60'th wedding anniversary. It didn't go quite as planned...but I made it through without anyone noticing that I skipped almost a full page of the song. Hee,hee! In THIS video though, I managed to only make a few small mistakes...so i'm pretty happy with how it turned out. I hope you enjoy it!


2SewRetro said...

It's so beautiful! You are such a talented pianist. :)

Jonathan North said...

That was amazing! That is one of my favorite pieces of music! I haven't listened to it in so long! I'd forgotten how much I love it! I'm going to go find it in my iTunes and add it to a play list so I don't forget about it again.

Wide-EyedandMystified said...

Thanks so much! I'm glad you enjoyed it. :)
It is so much fun to play!
I have the full version (with all of the other instruments) on my i-pod. It's SO beautiful!!