Friday, October 8, 2010

A Thousand Songs

Dry parched lips and a thirsty tongue.
A thousand songs still waiting to be sung.
I lift up my eyes to the heavens above.
My King is rich in mercy, power, and love.
You may scoff, but to you this promise I make...
When Jesus comes back, the whole universe will quake.
The heavens will open, His glory revealed.
Every tongue will confess Him Lord,
And every person before Him kneel.
He will quench the parched lips of the sinners redeemed,
And we'll all join the angels and together sing.
He will satisfy the thirst of His beloved's tongue.
Then we'll lift up in praise,
the thousand songs that were waiting to be sung.



2SewRetro said...

Did you write this???

Wide-EyedandMystified said...

Yup. If there's ever a post with a song or a poem that doesn't say who wrote it, then it's probably just me.