Friday, August 27, 2010

"Don't give up now, hold on for tomorrow. It will be better than today. The sun is setting now and it's not that far away..."

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Let Your grace and mercy be my song

A healing flood of Your holy blood,
washing my spirit clean.
Faith that's sure and a hope that's the cure,
but both cannot be seen.
A love so real and a presence I feel,
nothing can satisfy this way.
In the face of fear I know He's there.
I choose to trust Him and obey.
My spirit is willing but my flesh is weak,
so I will stop to listen and refuse to speak.
Life right now is in a daze,
Only a poor reflection through the haze.
What I see in part, soon I shall fully know.
For now I'm only a seed, but I'm ready to grow.
So take my whole heart, every part.
Let every evil way inside of me depart.
I'm thirsty and starving for you,
Lord please rend my heart and make it new.
Demolish the walls,
but polish the halls.
Sit on Your throne where You belong.
Let Your grace and mercy be my song.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Jeremiah 9:23-24

Thus says the Lord:
"Let not the wise man glory in his wisdom,
Let not the mighty man glory in his might,
Nor let the rich man glory in his riches;
But let him who glories glory in this,
That he understands and knows Me,
That I am the Lord exercising lovingkindness, judgment, and righteousness in the earth.
For in these I delight," says the Lord.

Monday, August 23, 2010

Psalm 119: 129-136

Your testimonies are wonderful;
Therefore my soul keeps them.
The entrance of Your words gives light;
It gives understanding to the simple.
I opened my mouth and panted,
For I longed for Your commandments.
Look upon me and be merciful to me,
As Your custom is toward those who love Your name.
Direct my steps by Your word,
And let no iniquity have dominion over me.
Redeem me from the oppression of man,
That I may keep Your precepts.
Make Your face shine upon Your servant,
And teach me Your statutes.
Rivers of water run down from my eyes,
Because men do not keep Your law.

Sunday, August 15, 2010

My 20th Birthday

Here are a few pictures of the evening of my birthday.
This was an early birthday present. The cup says "fill, drink, wash , repeat".
This is a close up of the of the glass with some Cherry 7UP in it.

Just one of the beautiful presents that I got. Isn't she so cute?
This is what we had to eat for my party:
Spaghetti Salad
Potato Salad
Macaroni Salad
Crab Salad
Coffee Cake
Snickers Ice Cream

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Goodbye 19

So this is my last day of being nineteen. Forever. It's so strange that you only get to be nineteen once. It's not strange unless you stop to think about it. No matter what age you only get to be that age once.
Being nineteen was great. :-) It's scary to be turning 20..but I can't wait. I can't wait to see what this year will bring...what God has in store for me. My hope is that through this next year I will grow closer and closer to Him. I feel so young...but so old at the same time. I feel like i've only been alive for a few it's hard to believe that I'm almost twenty. I feel like there's so much I should have done by now..but at the same time doesn't. I could keep going round and I'll just stop here.
I can't wait for tomorrow...and for this new year in my life. :-)
Thank you God for every breath you've given me. Every moment..every heart beat.